STI Series of Flexible Isolator

STI series of flexiblel isolator is the new generation turbulent air flow isolator Sterility test isolator has less space limitation than clean room and it is easy to use and validation. It saves time and cost for the R&D of new drugs. Isotailin® sterility test isolator is to provide an sterile environment for sterility test.It can reduce the risk of false positive results to avoid costly investigation and possible batch loss. Due to the excellent process design, Isotailin® could avoid the false negative too.

Modular design: assembly in site. unlimited by the corridor and doorframe. VHPS® Sterilization : No residue, real-time monitoring. Video traceability: test samples management system; program software. New built-in sterility test pump. Continuous waste discharge, improve the working efficiency.

* Operating space of STIS isolator is the single chamber dimensions